1 July 2024: Upcoming Changes To Australian Immigration

July 2024 Upcoming Changes To Australian Immigration e1719886588361

On 1 July 2024, there will be significant changes in the Australian immigration space reflecting the Australian Government’s Migration Strategy and addressing the latest policy intentions outlined in the federal budget.

Why Get Help from Immigration Lawyers/Agents Sydney?


Looking to move to Sydney Australia? It can be exciting but difficult too. Australia, with its opportunities, attracts many. But the rules for moving there can be tough. That’s where Immigration Lawyers/Agents help.

Andrew Bell SC New NSW Chief Justice

Andrew Bell SC New NSW Chief Justice

On 16 February 2022, and following news of current Chief Justice Tom Bathurst’s retirement, Mr. Andrew Bell SC has been named the next Chief Justice of NSW.

New online safety laws implemented

New online safety laws implemented

In June 2021, the Online Safety Act 2021 (Cth) came into force which requires media platforms and other websites to remove “abusive or bullying” content within 24 hours, failing which such entities may face fines

Abolition of Certificates of Title

Abolition of Certificates of Title

On 11 October 2021, new changes to the land titles system in NSW were introduced that transitioned NSW away from paper-based processes.

Visa Application Charge Increases 2021/2022

Visa application fee increase

Every year the visa application charges are subject to an indexation increase. Last year, this did not occur, presumably due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year, as normal, the visa application charges have been indexed.